Week 5: February 26 - March 3
Welcome to Week 5 of the #GoalsProject!
Classroom objectives for this week:
Objective 1: Reflect on Week 1-4 learning and experiences
Objective 2: Hear from our #GoalsProject Student Ambassadors in our Week 5 video
Objective 3: Package your solution, share your impact
During Week 5, classes should begin to get their class projects “packaged up” and ready to be shared out with the world. Reminder: during Week 6, classes will share the link to their final projects. Links can point to any type of content (YouTube video, class-created website, eBook, collection of resources, photo slideshow, Google doc, etc; examples from the past Goals Project experience for inspiration).
Classroom objectives for this week:
- Reflect on Week 1-4 learning and experiences
- Hear from our #GoalsProject Student Ambassadors
- Package up your solution, share your impact
Objective 1: Reflect on Week 1-4 learning and experiences
- Review all the 17 SDGs and remind students of your own class Global Goal.
- Check in on your group Flip topics
Objective 2: Hear from our #GoalsProject Student Ambassadors in our Week 5 video
Objective 3: Package your solution, share your impact
During Week 5, classes should begin to get their class projects “packaged up” and ready to be shared out with the world. Reminder: during Week 6, classes will share the link to their final projects. Links can point to any type of content (YouTube video, class-created website, eBook, collection of resources, photo slideshow, Google doc, etc; examples from the past Goals Project experience for inspiration).
As classrooms consider ways of packaging and sharing projects, encourage them to consider (1) audience, (2) medium, (3) message, and (4) call to action.
1. Audience: Invite students to consider their intended audience, and lead with empathy by designing for others. Have students each offer a “persona” of a representative recipient of the project. Though the audience will likely be a world of students and teachers, invite them to add details (hypothetical name, location, interests, learning needs, passions, access to resources/technology, etc). Visualizing an actual person will help students young and old to move from abstract to concrete and to create with people at the center. 2. Medium: Consider as a class the medium for sharing your message as it relates to your project. Here is a short list of types of sharing methods, but be sure select one that works best for you and your students. Remember, the only requirement will be that it is a sharable link (and that all students pictured/videod have permission forms in place).
3. Message: Based on the learning, new knowledge, and skills you have developed over the past four weeks, what is your main message you hope to share with the world? Consider word choice, multiple meanings, words representative of action, words that inspire, words that empower. Consider your audience--always of thinking of who may be left out or not represented based on your final message. Finalize your message then return to it 1-day later to revise and reconsider.
4. Call to Action: What is your call to action to classrooms of the world? Do you want them to learn, act, or expand ideas? Be sure to clearly state your “CTA” (call to action) in your message.
Prepare your message for final submission during the week of March 6th. Watch for the Week 6 update next week with more information on submitting solutions.
Coming up next:
4. Call to Action: What is your call to action to classrooms of the world? Do you want them to learn, act, or expand ideas? Be sure to clearly state your “CTA” (call to action) in your message.
Prepare your message for final submission during the week of March 6th. Watch for the Week 6 update next week with more information on submitting solutions.
Coming up next:
- Watch for Week 6 update February 29
- Don’t forget to share on your progress on social media with hashtag #GoalsProject
Meet Rehema
Age: 14 Country: Kenya What is one resource you recommend to other young people? https://www.vofg.org/mangroves What are your two favorite SDGs?
Meet Saoud
Age: 13 Country: United Arab Emirates What is one resource you recommend to other young people? https://www.amazon.com/Chess-Secret-Voices-Future-Generations/dp/B09W1MPHYF What are your two favorite SDGs?
Saving the World |
Opportunity to share student Global Goals Posters
Calling all Goals Project classrooms! We’ve teamed up with World’s Largest Lesson in partnership with the United Nations, UNESCO, and UNICEF to take action on the Global Goals! This month, your students are invited to create and share their impact with Global Goals Fact-ivism Posters.
Step 1: Invite students to research and select one data point related to one of the Global Goals. Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Please feel free to share the SDG Infographics (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sdg-fast-facts/) or to invite students to research and find facts on their own.
Step 2: Invite each student to create a poster that visualizes the data point using any artforms you prefer. This can include drawings, paintings, sculptures, murals, sketches, poems, or digital art (canva.com is a free tool). Posters should express ideas to inspire action, show personal connections, or serve as infographics – creativity is encouraged!
Step 3: Have each student submit their posters: https://be-a-fact-ivist.worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/en/submit by Wednesday, March 13th. Note, the only required information is selecting the Global Goal number and uploading the poster file. Students can enter more information as they wish.
Step 4: Submit to receive your class certificate: https://forms.gle/auya9CipGwuEYdzN8
Step 5: Be sure to return to the online Fact-ivist Gallery to view student posters as they are displayed. Congratulate students and celebrate that their voices and ideas are represented in this global commitment to action! https://be-a-fact-ivist.worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/en
Video recordings of Virtual School Assemblies:
- Session #1: https://youtu.be/JfSKXTC3y_M
- Session #2: https://youtu.be/zgzk7TN_Ric
- Presentation slides (be sure to check out the group photos at the end!)
We cannot wait to see all the creative ideas shared by your students!