By Abbie Nott
On March 4th, the last day of the 2021 Goals Project, we were joined by classrooms around the world for a day of presentations and sharing of knowledge. The 9 hours of programming involved 34 sets of student livestreams on Twitter, where classes were able to display what they had found out about their given Sustainable Development Goal as well as their thoughts on how to achieve it. From Moldova to Taiwan to the Dominican Republic, it was wonderful to see students of all ages share their enthusiasm with others. As well as the livestreams, there was a live Day of Solutions Plenary event, featuring a number of guest speakers and performers, with the keynote speaker being the brilliant UN Under-Secretary-General, Melissa Fleming. Melissa Fleming offered wonderful insights into the SDGs, including that they are a ‘blueprint for a better world - a more just, a greener world’. She reminded us all to be grateful for our teachers during this pandemic, as they have been wonderful at adapting to change. One student asked: what can we all do to help implement the SDGs by 2030? USG Fleming replied with these words of wisdom... ‘You are all influencers in yourselves’. ‘Choose a path that is going to make the world a better place’. The Plenary session also featured numerous student speakers who were all brilliant; you can find their performances, as well as Melissa Fleming’s speech, in the YouTube link at the end of this article! Highlights include Arushi Pant singing The Climb and Riya Mehta reminding us to be grateful for what we have, to name just a couple. Thank you very much to everyone who made the Day of Solutions, and the whole Goals Project, possible! Without the support of teachers, the enthusiasm of students and the dedication of organisers then the project wouldn’t be what it is. We hope you all enjoyed it, and if you want to relive any of the events then look no further than the Take Action Global YouTube channel. See you all soon!
Less than 24 hours until the Goals Project Day of Solutions on the 4th March!
Check out this link to the agenda for the day. The classroom livestreams will be done via Twitter, so remember to check the official Take Action Global social media handles to see which account to go to next. Feel free to go live with your own classroom at any time and share what you’ve learnt, and join us for our plenary session at 8:30am ET where we will be joined by an exciting range of guests including UN Under Secretary General Fleming. We look forward to seeing you then!
By Abbie Nott
In Week 4 of the Goals Project, we were joined again by representatives from the United Nations, this time for a talk on student activism. There was a fantastic turnout and the students who attended were all very involved: see the end of this post for the Youtube link to watch it if you missed it! The first guest was Hawa Diallo, Chief of the Civil Society Unit at the Department of Global Communications. She has worked for the United Nations since 1986, with particular interests in youth and women’s organisations. From her introduction in Pidgin English to her recount of her many roles within the UN, I’m sure everyone will agree that she is an amazing speaker… I think I want to be Hawa when I grow up! The second was Juan Pablo Celis, a youth policy and climate advocate. He is currently Spokesperson of Education USA, a program of the United States Department of State, and is a founding member of the Youth Representatives Steering Committee. It was amazing to hear all of his achievements and he reminded everyone that ‘the UN is closer to you than you expect’, because they have important work in so many places. Juan also gave a great guide to activism…
After these great insights, Jen and Ayush shared some of the questions students had come up with. One of these was ‘How can young people make change in their community?’: Hawa said one way to do this is to be proactive and expand your knowledge, because ‘the power of your voice gets louder based on the accuracy of your information’. Juan reminded us that one of the best things you can do is find other people to work with you as ‘when we are together, we are stronger’. Here is the link if you missed this event, and we hope to see you at the Day of Solutions on March 4th!
By Abbie Nott
On the 3rd February, we were joined by guests from the United Nations Headquarters who gave us a tour of their building. The tour guides were from Germany, China, Senegal and Russia; it was so interesting to find out more about the work of the UN and its history! We learnt interesting facts like how the building site was previously home to a slaughterhouse, saw a mosaic gifted by Nancy Reagan and learnt about how the ceiling in part of the building is left unfinished to symbolise that the work of the UN is never finished. The UN team then answered some questions sent in by students… ‘How can students help the work of the United Nations?’
Another person asked about what comes next after 2030, when the Sustainable Development Goals are aiming to have been achieved?
A big thank you goes to the team from the United Nations who gave us such a great experience, to the interns who helped behind the scenes and to Jennifer and Ayush for hosting! If you missed it, you can stream a recording of the UN tour here… By Abbie Nott Welcome to the Goals Project, everyone! It has been so exciting to see people posting on social media about what they’ve been up to for Week 1 and 2 of the project. It’s so inspiring to see students getting excited about their SDG and see what people are learning, especially to do with the very relevant theme of Environmental Stewardship. Here are just a couple of the tweets showing what participating classrooms are getting up to… We hope you are enjoying the Goals Project so far, and are excited to see what else you come up with. There are lots of exciting things happening in the upcoming weeks, and hope to see you all there! |
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